MCFOST Overview

MCFOST is a 3D continuum and line radiative transfer code based on the Monte Carlo method (plus ray-tracing). It is mainly designed to study the circumstellar environment of young stellar objects. The calculations are done exactly within the limitations of the Monte Carlo noise and machine precision, i.e. no approximation are used in the calculations. The code has been strongly optimized for speed.

MCFOST is primarily designed to study protoplanetary disks. The code can reproduce most of the observations of disks:

  • SEDs

  • scattered light images

  • IR and mm visibilities

  • atomic and molecular line maps

The Monte Carlo method being generic, any complex structure can be handled by MCFOST and its use can be extended to other astrophysical objects. For instance, calculations have succesfully been performed on infalling envelopes and AGB stars.


The code is open source under GPLv3. We also kindly ask you cite the code papers in scientific publications if you use MCFOST in your research. We also welcome collaborations and are happy ti provide help with using the code and interpreting the results.

The core of the algorithms are described in Pinte et al. (2006) and Pinte et al. (2009). However the code has been substantially further enhanced, with features that are mainly documented in this documentation. In short, the code computes the temperature and scattering source function everywhere in the disk via a Monte Carlo method: photon packets are propagated stochastically through the model volume following the equations of radiative transfer, and information on their properties is retained along their path. The radiation field, and quantities derived from it (for instance temperature, radiation pressure, etc) are obtained by averaging this “Monte Carlo” information. Observables quantities (SEDs and images) are then obtained via a ray-tracing method, which calculates the output intensities by integrating formally the source function estimated by the Monte Carlo calculations. Full calculations of the polarization are included using the Stokes formalism.

MCFOST also includes a non-LTE line transfer module. The adopted schemes are not yet described in the literature, but the code uses an improved version of the algorithm presented in Hogerheijde & van der Tak (2000). NLTE level population are obtained via iterations between Monte Carlo radiative transfer calculations and statistical equilibrium. To speed up calculations, an initial guess is computed using a 1+1D scheme with short characteristic before the full 2D or 3D calculation. Output spectra and channel maps are calculated via a ray-tracing procedure.


MCFOST is in constant development and this documentation is likely to be lagging. Please contact Christophe Pinte for the latest updates.

Associated with MCFOST, but separate software, are tools for visualization, grid calculations and model fitting tools for SEDs, images and line emission. These tools allows one to draw robust constraints on the derived parameters.


Use at your own risk!!! The author does not take any responsibility for the use (or misuse of the code). There might be bugs.

Github discussions

If you decide to use MCFOST, have questions on how to use the code, or request for new features, please head to This is a collaborative space to discuss issues and future developments of MCFOST.